
The following dates are for in person classes held in Dundas at Blueberry Therapy. Please contact Blueberry Therapy to book at Book Online | Blueberry Therapy (janeapp.com) tel:2892388383.

Please contact me if you are interested in a private virtual session.

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This session is broken down into 2 parts:

The first section will guide you through a natural delivery with no disturbances or interventions in order to help you understand the signs, stages, and physiology of labour and delivery.

We will then go through the 4 P’s of labour: Power (contractions), Passage (pelvis & vagina), Passenger (baby & placenta), Psyche (mind & confidence).

“All of these must work together in synchronicity to achieve a successful, vaginal birth. Think of them as gears in a machine. If one of the gears is misaligned, then the whole machine malfunctions.”

While discussing the 4 P’s I will explain the most common interventions in L&D including; breaking your water, oxytocin, baby positions, vaginal tears, pain management options (including epidural), assisted deliveries (forceps &vacuum), and caesarean deliveries, and much more!

Our goal is to reduce anxiety by gaining knowledge and confidence in your body which will prepare you for an empowering experience.

Additional information


March 9 10:00 am, June 1 10:00 am